Sales Navigator Scraper

Build a lead list in just one click: Extract leads Sales Navigator, find emails and generate personalized messages. All in seconds.

Made with love for freelances, marketers, agencies...

Extract Data from LinkedIn in one click

Export lists of leads from Sales Navigator, the most accurate database in the word.


Enrich with Valid Emails

Increase your reply rate by 40% with valid emails and avoid bounce backs.


Personalized Cold Emails

Boost your response rate by 5x with effective personalization. Tailoring your approach captures the attention of potential clients and sparks meaningful conversations.

More replies = More meetings = More clients


Is LinkedIn Export Unlimited?

Yes! With the Pro and Growth Plans, you can export an unlimited number of leads from LinkedIn or Sales Navigator. The Starter Plan is limited to 2,000 exports per month.

Do we receive the emails directly when we export data from LinkedIn?

No. You need to enrich the data, but don't worry, you can enrich it directly on Mailead after scraping.

Can we test the LinkedIn Export feature during the free trial?

Yes, you have 100 LinkedIn export credits (for LinkedIn Basic or Sales Navigator).

Do we have to pay for LinkedIn Export?

This feature is included in our various plans. You are limited to 2,000 leads per month for the Starter plan, and there is no limit for the Pro and Growth plans.

Send your first 450 emails today, for free